A word from Gloria Sarney - Director at Gloria Sarney & Associates Waikato

A word from Gloria Sarney - Director at Gloria Sarney & Associates Waikato30 Oct 2017

Why do you need a broker??

Because we care and are here for you!

We offer professional advice on how to navigate thru the many options available for you out there!

Hi there, I have been a broker for over 30 years and over that time I have helped my clients with many claims as it is always a stressful time and the paperwork is daunting!, and because it means someone has died or have had an illness or accident that is preventing them for working for a period of time.. what if they are the main bread winner? You have a mortgage to pay and a family to support, the majority of the claims I handle on a weekly basis are for illness or accident. When you see the impact that having Insurance can have in people’s lives and knowing that I was the one who put this cover in place and made sure it was the right cover and worked for them is so rewarding. I take a lot of care talking and listening to what is important to my clients so I can tailor make a policy just for them taking into account their bills and income and their budget. The relief these people feel who are frightened of an uncertain outcome and stressed when their partner is sick or injured is immense as they do not have to worry financially allowing them to be there for that person 100%.

I also love that in this job, you never stop learning as Insurance companies are always updating their products and things change.. life changes,, there is now a product called household expenses that covers your rates, power, internet, sky tv, private school fees and much more and in the worst case scenario “death” a lump sum of money to pay off a mortgage or debts and to provide the people you love with financial security.

We also provide trauma cover for a serious illness and medical insurance… out job as a broker is to find the right company for you.

I am passionate about what I do and having had family members who have suffered an illness or accident such as my sister in law who died at the age of 33 leaving behind a four year old and 18 month old…. No one is immune !!

Lets us help you protect your family and lifestyle…

Visit us on https://www.insuresarney.co.nz/

We would love to hear from you

Warmest regards
